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Does Genetics Affect Your Success in Bodybuilding?

Many factors determine one’s chances of success. There’s gender, sexual orientation, economic status, educational attainment, and more. But what about our genes? Does our genetic predisposition affect our likelihood to succeed in life?

The Role of Genes in Fitness

Our DNA can say a lot about us. And while nutrition and training can help improve one’s fitness levels, some people are just genetically disadvantaged than others. In the same vein, some are already born with a genetic advantage over the rest.

And while this advantage can only begin to help once you decide to train your body, it can still make a difference. For example, due to genetics, some people tend to build muscle more quickly than others. These people could have more success in bodybuilding if they choose to pursue that route.

In fact, there is even a gene that has been proven to impact muscle size and impact strength. The ACTN3 gene allows muscle fibers to contract rapidly, which can be an advantage for power sports. Genetics tests can show whether you have a functional ACTN3 and basically tell you if you have an advantage in bodybuilding based on genetics.

Genetics and Body Composition

Your body composition tells you how much of your body mass is from muscle and how much is fat. For bodybuilders, the aim is to minimize fat for muscle-heavy body composition. 

So, what does genetics have to do with body composition? Well, genetics tests can show you how bodybuilding training can affect your body composition. The test can label you one of these three genotypes:

-Below Average

For people with a below-average result, bodybuilding training is likely to have minimal impact on your body composition. To stimulate muscle growth, extra effort needs to be put in to accomplish more challenging strength sessions.

- Normal 

Most people will be under this group. Having the normal genotype basically means that through regular bodybuilding training, you can lose weight and convert some of your body mass. To stimulate muscle growth, these people need to lift weights that are heavy enough.


People under the enhanced category are those born with a genetic advantage in terms of strength training. If you have this genotype, you can see significant body fat loss and muscle mass gains through regular bodybuilding training. You will also require less training to achieve the same results as the other genotypes.

Does Genetics Matter in Bodybuilding?

In a way, yes. If you have a below-average genotype, you might find it challenging to compete in bodybuilding competitions. But does that mean you can’t change your body composition? No. 

The main benefit of understanding your genetic predisposition is that you can adjust your training program according to your genotype. Just because you have a below-average genotype does not mean you can never gain muscle mass. It just means you have to work harder to get the same results as someone with a normal or enhanced genotype. Yes, you might be at a disadvantage, but it is not impossible. 

Final Thoughts

When you play by your strengths and understand your weaknesses, you become better equipped to handle the challenges of your fitness journey. Understand how much effort you need to put in to get the results you want. Genetics may play a significant role, but it does not have the final say. You can still take control of your fate and succeed in the field you want.

You don’t have to undertake your bodybuilding training alone. A bodybuilding competition prep coach from Award Winning Fitness can help you achieve the results you desire. We have a team of certified and experienced coaches and our own private gym to provide premium fitness and bodybuilding training in Texas and online. Schedule an appointment now!