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Forging Your Best Form: A Woman’s Guide to Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is all about enhancing the health and fitness of a person while being in good shape and form. This may involve dieting and meal planning, macro tracking, working out extensively, spending hours in the weight room, and getting glammed up for the show. All of these are a lot to handle, but it’s worth pursuing if you find yourself driven and passionate about female fitness competition preparation.

Defining and Understanding Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a sport that goes beyond its competitive nature. It also demands a certain lifestyle following tough workouts and a strict nutritional diet. These are essential to grow, sculpt, and strengthen the body's muscles.

People undergo rigorous training and diet regimens to compete in a bodybuilding competition, where their physique and muscular growth must be at their best. Keep in mind that competing in a sport where your appearance is largely scrutinized could be challenging in more than one aspect. With this, it's vital to take care of one's spirit, mind, and body. If you already have a problem with body image, having the perfect aesthetic for the outside world may trigger self-esteem issues.

Female Bodybuilders Workout Routines

The type of training involved with bodybuilding is difficult, as it comprises at least an hour of lifting and two hours of cardio each day (on average). The majority of female bodybuilders divide their strength training days into body part-specific sessions, known as "splits." A typical five-day schedule would look like this:

  • Day One: Chest

  • Day Two: Back

  • Day Three: Shoulders

  • Day Four: Legs

  • Day Five: Arms

Your exercise routine will differ depending on your body type and goals. For example, you can focus on a particular muscle group every day, or do rotations such as three consecutive leg days followed by three consecutive upper-body days.

Compound Exercises for Bodybuilding

Compound exercises (squats, bench press, and deadlift) should be performed prior to isolation exercises. These are popular in the bodybuilding world since they allow you to lift heavier weights while also counting as functional training. Because concentrating on a specific muscle, these routines aid in increasing muscle fiber size, which is an important goal for bodybuilders. 

Supersets for Bodybuilding

Supersets are two exercises that target the same muscle area performed in rapid succession with little or no rest in between. It’s important to emphasize the importance of lifting gently and methodically when performing reps. Supersets involve methods that cause muscle exhaustion and microtears in the muscle fibers, which are repaired during rest, resulting in hypertrophy (muscle growth).

Cardio for Bodybuilding

Cardio is still one of the most essential workouts for bodybuilding. Regular cardio will help to show off your muscular build, so aim for 20 minutes of cardio three times each week. Additionally, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) exercises can be incorporated for those at an advanced bodybuilding level.

Beginning the Journey

  • Step One: Investing in a female bodybuilding coach. It is critical to find a coach you can trust to create a training and diet plan that is right for you.

  • Step Two: Maintain a workout log. This is necessary to gradually raise your weights. You can also keep track of your macronutrients and calories by logging your meals.

  • Step Three: Use machines. Beginner weightlifters should use and experiment with machines because they keep the body in the appropriate position throughout the session. 

  • Step Four: Take your time. If you wish to compete, set aside plenty of time for training. Keep up with your nutrition and exercise, even during the off-season. This way, you can craft strategies and discipline yourself to reach your muscular mass and strength development goals.

  • Step Five: Boost the tempo. Because your body adapts to any training program, it's vital to test yourself on a regular basis to ensure that you're appropriately modifying the weights, reps, and/or rest between sets.


Bodybuilding takes determination and mental strength, but the benefits are life-changing. More than a physique competition, it’s a wonderful sport to improve your health and fitness. Even if you are not interested in competing and merely want to enhance your strength, you can still benefit from bodybuilding training!

Are you looking for a bodybuilding competition prep coach in Pflugerville, TX? Award Winning Fitness, with a team of licensed and experienced teachers, offers the highest quality fitness and bodybuilding education in Texas. Our Texas fitness trainers have extensive experience teaching competition prep, group fitness, personal fitness, bikini competition prep, and internet coaching, and more! Challenge yourself and schedule a session with us today!