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Some Signature Exercises from Prominent Bodybuilding Pros

Everyone has their own fitness idols, personalities who inspire us to push harder during our workouts. For the most part, coming close to their achievements is our main goal; that is why we have all the time in the world to try and achieve the same milestones that they were able to acquire during their prime days.

If it happens to be your first dip in the bodybuilding scene, chances are, you may be looking for a personality that may inspire you to go the extra mile as well. There are countless prominent figures to choose from, but only a few definitely stood out with their success and signature exercises. In and by doing so, they have been known to motivate future generations.

If you are hoping to make it big through bodybuilding, take your cues from the following figures we have listed below, along with their signature workout routines.

1. Ronnie Coleman’s Walking Lunge

As the winner of eight consecutive Mr. Olympia titles, Ronnie Coleman is no stranger to tough bodybuilder workouts. He had proven himself to be one of the toughest human beings to ever walk the stage, and all his achievements are a living testament to that. With that being said, it may seem surprising that one of his signature exercises is also one of the simplest that you may encounter as well.

The thing about lunges is that it focuses more on the legs rather than your upper body strength. Nevertheless, that is still significant to your overall routine, as you wouldn’t be able to support your whole weight without establishing string legwork first.

The challenge begins when you decide to carry dumbbells on both hands, thus making you lift more than your usual weight. Regardless, that is actually necessary for you to develop your leg muscles further.

2. Branch Warren’s Chain Dip

If you are looking for an equipment-assisted exercise that will efficiently test your upper body strength while giving you style points, then this particular exercise is for you. The name Branch Warren needs no further introduction. If you’ve ever seen a video of a bodybuilder doing the dips in a gym while having heavy chains around his neck, then you are probably watching him. Owing to his extreme health regimen, he was able to top multiple Arnold Classic awards.

He may be retired now, but the new generation of aspiring bodybuilders are taking their cues from his amazing video and using heavy chains as well in their dip exercises. Of course, they aren’t as experienced as Branch Warren; that is why instead of wrapping the heavy chain on their neck, they would instead attach it on their dipping belt.

3. Dorian Yates’s Underhand Barbell Row

Ask any experienced bodybuilder, and they will all tell you that one of their major inspirations in their routines is the legendary Dorian Yates. If you’ve ever heard of the Yates’s Row, then you have found his signature exercise. Winning the Mr. Olympia title six consecutive times is such an amazing feat that warrants its own signature bodybuilder workout, and as such, Mr. Yates made this specific row his own.
Basically, you have to bend over slightly while holding the barbell with both hands. Your palms should be facing up while carrying the handles at an underhand position. Do a slight rowing motion while in this position to further develop your back muscles. If it greatly worked for Dorian Yates, you can bet that it may work for you too.


As tough as they may be, these workouts are some of the best when it comes to building muscle mass. Made famous by prominent bodybuilders, you can expect them all to be very effective regardless of whether you are doing them in the gym or at home.

Feel free to try them out during your routines, and do not hesitate to find a spotter as well.

If you are looking for a gym that will help you with your powerlifting body transformation, look no further than our programs and routines here at Award Winning Fitness. Our experienced team of certified coaches and their own private gym are here to provide premium fitness and bodybuilding training in Texas and online. Contact us today and let us help you achieve the dream physique that you have always wanted to have.