Strongman Workouts: How to Improve Them to Get Stronger


If you have just started hitting the gym, one of your long-term go ls may work on your strength training. However, increasing your strength is much more than just lifting heavy weights at the gym. Strongman training can help you become real-life strong instead of just gym strong.

Whether you are a new Strongman lifter or a seasoned one that has hit a wall in their training, there are simple ways to creak out of your plateau and continue to get stronger. This article will focus on five distinct ways to improve your Strongman workout and get stronger faster than ever. 

Strongman workouts, as their name suggests, are great to help a person improve their strength. Whether lifting immense weights, lifting huge stones, hoisting massive tree trunks, an effective strongman workout will get you there. 

Tips to Improve Your Workout

Sometimes, you may feel that your progress has stalled and that you are not getting stronger than you were in the last few times you were at the gym. If you think that you are in a rut, here are a few ways to get yourself out of your slump! 

1 - Warm-Up Opposing Muscles

While it makes sense to concentrate on one or two muscle groups during a workout, you are missing out on the opportunity to increase performance if you do not warm up opposing muscles. Doing this will increase your strength during your primary set, making it easier for you to power through the rest of your workout using those muscles. 

2 - Gear-Up!

Wearing the proper gear may also help you improve performance and do exercises to gradually increase strength. The right gear will also protect your skin, joints, muscles, and bones from injury when you lift. 

3 - Try Negative Training Once in a While

Negative training is pushing your lift limit farther but with assistance. For example, if you are able to lift 150 pounds perfectly, your one repetition can go as high as 250 or 300 pounds, with assistance. More significant amounts of weight will allow for more muscle activation, which is a proven way to increase strength over time. 

4 - Increase the Intensity of Your Work Out

Resistance bands are incredibly effective tools to use to increase the intensity of your workout. These bands provide more resistance as they are stretched, which will allow you to get more intensity out of each workout. 

5 - Use Plyometrics

This form of training will help you increase your raw strength without the use of extra equipment. Instead, you will be using your body weight to increase strength gradually to complete the exercises. Jump squats, pushups, and lunges are good examples of plyometrics. 


Following these tips will help you get more out of your workout and ensure that your goal of becoming stronger will be reached sooner rather than later. Also, choosing the right gym is crucial to daily improvement. Being part of a gym with supportive trainers and co-members will make it that much easier to reach your fitness goals. 

Join a community of fitness buffs at Award Winning Fitness! This gym has a team of certified and experienced coaches and their own private gym to provide premium fitness and bodybuilding training in Texas and online. Get better strongman exercises when you join us today!


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