
Whether you just want to have a healthier body or plan to win a bodybuilding competition, you need to work with a bodybuilding coach. Sure, you can develop a training program by yourself and work out alone, but you can only do so much on your own!

No matter how much research you’ve done or how much you already know about bodybuilding training, you won’t get the best results without the expertise and experience of a professional trainer. However, this doesn’t mean that you should just work with whoever you meet at the gym.
When looking for the right bodybuilding coach, make sure to consider the following factors:

1. Bodybuilding Philosophy

Most bodybuilding competition prep coaches will have similar goals such as weight loss or even a specific time-based objective. Although it’s good to have these kinds of goals, this doesn’t mean that they’re automatically the right trainer for you.

To determine whether a bodybuilding coach is right for you or not, why not ask about their ideologies and concepts? Learning about a coach’s opinions on well-known practices, exercises and programs will give you a gist of how well they can help you reach bodybuilder status.

Promising good results is enough! A great bodybuilding coach must have the right philosophy that will drive his teaching methods for them to train you to be your best.

2. Credentials and Expertise

Of course, their philosophy isn’t enough to make them a suitable coach for you. For a trainer to be qualified, they must be certified in various personal training programs from MCA, ISSA & Canfitpro, and AFAA. 

A coach must first train themselves before they can teach others. No one becomes a bodybuilding coach overnight—it takes months and even years for someone to train clients to reach their fitness goals.

Don’t judge a book by its cover; you’ll never know whether a trainer is skilled or not just based on their appearance. Make sure to ask your potential coach about their certifications and skills.

A bodybuilding coach must be well-versed in the following:

  • Physical Assessment

  • Personal Training Techniques

  • Affective Exercises

  • Kinesiology and Biomechanics

  • First Aid Training

  • Operating and Maintaining Exercise Equipment

  • Safety Techniques


  • The Principles of Nutrition

  • Current Fitness Trends

3. Effective Communication 

Beyond skills or philosophies, how you and your coach communicate with each other will have the most significant impact on the success of your bodybuilding training. Since your trainer will regularly interact with you, they must get you into a headspace to boost your motivation and encourage you to work towards your goal.

Your relationship with your coach will dictate how well your training will go. If you can’t work well with your trainer, winning or even participating in a bodybuilding competition may be far out of your reach.

What kind of training drives you to work harder? Do you need a coach who pushes you to your limits or someone who will guide you every step of the training process without being aggressive? The kind of communication and training will mostly depend on what works for you. 


The bodybuilding trainer you choose to work with will have a significant impact on your fitness journey. Depending on how skilled or experienced they are, you may ace the bodybuilding competition or not! As long as you take training seriously and collaborate with the right coach, you have greater chances of achieving your fitness goals.

Are you looking for the best bodybuilding competition prep coach in Texas? Then, you’ve come to the right place! At Award Winning Fitness, we house a team of certified and experienced coaches and their own private gym to provide premium fitness and bodybuilding training. Join our community today!


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