What to Do to Crush Your First Bodybuilding Competition

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Preparing for a bodybuilding competition can be frightening, especially if it's your first time. There are so many essential components to achieving a shredded, dense, complete, and muscular physique on stage that it's easy to become confused and overwhelmed.

Competing in a bodybuilding competition can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be stressful. When you compete, you usually just have one goal in mind: to win first place. Check to see whether you're getting ahead of yourself. Before you take the stage, there are certain things you should do. These pointers will help you stay motivated and finish with a medal.

1. Find the Coach and Support that You Need

Competition is a significant commitment, and obtaining professional coaching, no matter how long you've been eating nutritious meals and working out at the gym, is an essential first step toward taking the stage for the first time.

Hiring a coach or mentor is unnecessary, but it is a wise investment, primarily if you have never competed before. There will be occasions when you have doubts or inquiries about yourself. Having that extra assistance makes a tremendous difference in the overall experience. It also aids in self-accountability!

2. Create a Routine That Works With Your Time Frame

The plan starts in different locations and with varying types of bodies, but most competitors diet for at least 16 weeks before a competition, and only after they’ve put on the muscle they need for their category.

Make an honest assessment of whether you're ready to lose weight or if you require additional time to build great muscle mass. Consider how much body fat you need to drop if you're ready. The span between your current physique and the body fat percentage you’re aiming for will provide you with the most accurate prediction of how much time you'll require. A skilled coach or a seasoned competitor can assist you with creating a realistic routine with the time you have.

3. Make a Customized Diet Plan

One of the most critical aspects of preparing for a competition is a bodybuilding diet plan, including a healthy meal prep. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to losing body fat, the average competitor will stick to a high-protein, moderate-to-low-carb, moderate-fat diet as this will help them maintain the mass they’ve put on while becoming leaner. 

4. Stay Motivated, Persevere

Training for a bodybuilding competition isn't all that exciting. You don't require the most up-to-date technology or a lengthy training regimen. All you need is determination, perseverance, and access to a basic gym.

You can continue to lift weights in the same way you have in the past as long as you are consistent and put in the necessary effort each time. Before a competition, some people like to aim for higher reps and lighter weights. However, this is not the same for everyone, and your coach may recommend something else more appropriate for you. 

5. Invest in Your Stage Performance

Stage presence is just as significant as your nutrition! You've put in a lot of effort to get to this point, so make sure you know how to present your body in the best light possible. The guidance of a posing coach can be invaluable at this point in time. Because each competition is different, you’ll have to break down poses and practice every movement, keeping in mind what helps you highlight your greatest strengths.

6. Make the Most of Your Bodybuilding Journey

The final and most important thing to do is to have fun and enjoy the experience! The road to your first competition is an adventure you will remember for the rest of your life. Try to stay in the moment, absorb as much as you can, and take in as much advice as you can. Time will fly by, and you'll be on stage before you realize it.

Key Takeaways

It's challenging but immensely gratifying to commit to a bodybuilding competition. It's a significant decision, but you will reach new heights in your fitness and ambitions if you want to push yourself.

Do you need someone to train you to be the best of the best? The award-winning trainers at Award Winning Fitness will guide you through your journey to preparing for your bodybuilding competition. We will be with you every step of the way, helping you achieve your goals. Give us a call to start your journey today!


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