Bodybuilding Dos and Don’ts Every Gym Buff Should Know in 2021

Bodybuilding is no child’s play and requires extreme focus to be successful. It’s actually easy to lose sight of the fundamentals and derail your training. Whether it’s for a healthier lifestyle or a fitness competition prep, bodybuilding should be done with great discipline if you’re serious about it. Here are some dos and don’ts that you should consider when doing your bodybuilding routine.


Do Set Goals for Yourself

As with any worthwhile activity, it’s essential to set clear goals in the beginning. The same goes for bodybuilding. Without a specific goal to guide you, it’s easy to lose your way. You have to have something to strive for at all times. Setting a goal will dictate how your training will go from day one up to your last day of training. It also helps to check in with yourself and see how much you’ve progressed towards your goals.

Do Learn Continuously

Bodybuilding is an ongoing process of learning and pushing yourself to the limit. One of the best things to learn is accepting your limitations and thinking of ways to push those limitations even further. You also learn what you can and can’t do every time you finish an intense workout session.

Do Use All Appropriate Tools

A lot of bodybuilders think that getting big means going “hardcore” and hoisting iron for basic free-weight exercises. A modern gym houses dozens of machines and specialized equipment, and they are meant to be used by those who work out. If you’re trying to build muscle, at least try all the equipment in the gym at least once. Ideally, you should use any new machine for several workouts to see how your body responds. Keeping your exercises and powerlifting techniques varied is one of the most important components of bodybuilding.


Don’t Neglect the Basics

At the beginning stages of weight training, you invariably want to maximize mass. There are several ways to do this, such as doing bench press, leg press, or hitting the squat rack. Essentially you should aim for doing exercises where you can pack on the most plates. Intermediate and advanced bodybuilders should make room in their programs for isolation machines as well as heavy basic exercises.

Don’t Eat Excessively

As a rule of thumb, avoid working out on a full stomach. Digesting food requires energy, and you don’t want your energy reserves split into working out and processing food. In fact, excessive food and water can literally weigh you down and rob you of valuable energy. If you want to be efficient in working out, eat only a light meal or a carbohydrate snack about one hour before training.

Don’t Expect Results Immediately

When you have defined your fitness goals, you also need to have patience when trying to achieve them. You’re making significant changes in your body, and it takes time before you can see some of the results of your training. Don’t be discouraged and keep on with your routines and just trust the process. After a considerable amount of time sticking to your routine, you’ll eventually start seeing some results, which should be more than enough to motivate you even more.


When it comes to bodybuilding, it’s important to know which practices should be reinforced and which of them you should cut back on. There are certain dos and don’ts you need to keep in mind regardless of whether you’re inside or outside of the gym. As long as you stick with these guidelines, you’ll be on your way to achieving your fitness goals.


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