How Can a Growth Mindset Improve Your Fitness Habits?


It’s no secret that people who want to try a healthier lifestyle often experience hurdles with their commitment and motivation. Although the initial goal to stay healthy can be inviting, it’s much different in practice than it is in theory. For this reason, many people find it tough to maintain their fitness journey.

Using a Growth Mindset for Your Fitness Needs

A common reason people stop their fitness journey is due to having a fixed mindset. It’s a belief that their intelligence and talent are unchangeable up until a certain ceiling. This leads to a defeatist attitude that encourages people to give up easily by comparing themselves to other people’s achievements. Thankfully, a growth mindset is a better alternative to help you see improvement from a different perspective.

In this article, we’ll share three tips to help your fitness journey develop with a growth mindset.

1. Realign Your Views on Success

It’s important to remember that everyone’s fitness journey will be different. When you go to the gym, you shouldn’t expect yourself to do the same routines and free weights that more experienced members do. Instead, you should always look inward at your own progress rather than the current state of others.

When determining your record of reaching your fitness goals, learn to celebrate your small improvements. This will help you make small yet impactful realizations about your growth. Instead of running 21 km right away, start with 5, 7, and 10 kilometers. Never use other people’s rate of progress to compare with yours. Remember that being better than your previous self is already an achievement on its own.

2. Have Healthy Inspirations

While it’s important to look at your personal growth, that doesn’t mean you can’t make connections with others along the way. Instead of being intimidated by your goals, it’s better to think of other peoples’ success as a motivator of what you can achieve. Don’t be afraid to look for healthy inspirations, whether from your favorite athletes or gym studio peers. Being open to receiving advice and feedback from others will help you find others on the same path to being healthy.

3. Take a Step Beyond Your Comfort Zones

Becoming stronger and healthier through your fitness routine is a constant struggle of breaking past your comfort zones. For this reason, you should recognize your body’s need to reach new heights. Over time, your current exercise plan will become easier to do, and that’s precisely the goal. Once you’re comfortable with where you are, it should be a sign to progress to the next level.

Constantly challenging yourself physically is an excellent way to be more impactful with your workout exercises. However, it’s important to identify your body’s condition. Know when it’s time to give yourself rest in the same way you should welcome new obstacles to overcome.


People can embody a fixed mindset in other aspects of their life besides their fitness journey. It can also be present in how they see their careers or relationship opportunities. For this reason, it’s necessary to unlearn the toxicity of looking down on your potential.

With a growth mindset, you’re more proactive with your goals and more responsive to setbacks. This makes you more adaptable to overcoming your weaknesses, which is the entire goal of staying fit. While some people can easily switch to this way of thinking, others may have difficulties seeing a new perspective. Thankfully, you can experience quality mentorship to live out the benefits of having a growth mindset for your fitness journey.

Award Winning Fitness offers you different training specialists, no matter what your fitness journey is. We can give you a tailor fit experience of mentorship to help you reach your fitness goals. If you want to enroll in a strongman training program in Pflugerville, TX, contact us today!


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