Why a Growth Mindset is the Key to Being Fit and Healthy


Think about the last time you tried a new sport, exercise routine, strongman workout, or fitness-related activity. What did you feel after trying it out for a few weeks? It’s natural to struggle with it since it’s something you’ve never done before. But what did you do while you were struggling? Did it make you feel hopeless and eventually lead to you giving up? If that’s the case, then you may need to shift your focus into a different mindset. A fixed mindset when it comes to fitness will get you nowhere. Here’s what you need to do to regain that motivation you’ve lost.

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

Success in any endeavor all starts in your head, no matter what you’re doing. That’s why looking at things a certain way can mean the difference between giving up and staying motivated. According to Carol Dweck, Ph.D., author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, there are two basic ways that most people approach life:

  • With a Fixed Mindset: This means you generally believe that your skills and abilities are fixed or predetermined. So, for you, it’s either you’re good at something, or you’re not. People with this mindset tend to believe that there’s really not much you can do to change. You are basically incapable of learning something entirely new. People with a fixed mindset believe that talent and skill are fixed traits that cannot be changed, which makes them easily discouraged by setbacks.

  • With a Growth Mindset: On the other hand, someone with a growth mindset will always believe that you can improve no matter where you’re starting from. You accept the fact that you will struggle and fail at first, but you’ll eventually improve and become good at what you do.

Looking at both perspectives, they can be great motivators, but only one will see you through until you actually succeed. What the growth mindset presents to those who use it is an opportunity to try and improve themselves.

Looking at both perspectives, they can be great motivators, but only one will see you through until you actually succeed. What the growth mindset presents to those who use it is an opportunity to try and improve themselves.

Developing a Growth Mindset

Now that you know the difference between the two types of mentality, you can start developing your own growth mindset so you can finally succeed in your fitness journey. While you do your usual exercise routine, it’s actually best to do the following mental exercises so you can develop your own growth mindset:

  • Redefine Success - Success is all about the journey. You may be focused on the goal of being fit, but it’s what you learn along the way that matters. What matters is how much you’ve improved and become a better version of yourself.

  • Learn from Defeat - Setbacks are a natural part of every fitness journey. These are learning opportunities you can benefit from. Maybe you’ve set your goal too high, or you forget some of your fundamentals. Whatever the problem is, this is where you start solving it so you can move forward.

  • Seek New Challenges - At no point in your fitness journey should you feel at ease for a long time. When everything starts to feel easy for you, that’s the time you accept a new challenge and push yourself to the limits. 

Accept Feedback - Being intimidated by other people’s success is what a person with a fixed mindset always thinks about. Ask people you admire for training tips and feedback.


Training to be physically fit isn’t all that physical as most people would think. It requires an even stronger will to continue, which is something that can only be nurtured by having a growth mindset. While having a fixed mindset isn’t all that bad as long as it keeps you motivated, no matter where you fall on the mindset spectrum, you can change it for the better.

Award Winning Fitness is an online and in-person premium fitness training provider. Whether you want to start doing fitness competition prep, or you plan to join a powerlifting competition, or even just staying fit, our team can help you achieve your goals. For the ultimate training experience, trust Award Winning Fitness to provide it for you. Join our community today!


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