
The road to your fitness goals may not be an easy one. When your mind is too focused on losing that extra pound or bulking up to that extra centimeter, it can be easy to forget to pace yourself. It’s important to focus on your goals, but you must make sure you take care of yourself along the way.

Here are some mindfulness tips to practice so that you won’t get burnt out on your fitness journey.

Tip #1: Be Patient With Yourself

You won’t achieve your ideal weight in just a few weeks. Long-term weight loss or other muscular changes take a lot of time and dedication. If you’re not able to meet your weekly or monthly goals, be patient with yourself. Always remember that fitness is a process, and you need to take it step by step.

Take some time out of your day to ask yourself how you’re feeling about your routine. The key to consistency is creating a routine that works for you. If your routine doesn’t work, don’t blame yourself for not performing it every day. Instead of beating yourself up, take steps to mix up your workouts or consult a personal trainer.

Tip #2: Rest Up After Every Session

After every exercise session, make sure you have time to rest. At the very least, we encourage light movement to filter out any excess debris from your intense exercises. This will also help you avoid strained muscles and joints.

If you have a rest day upcoming, plan a long walk. This simple exercise will help keep your blood flowing without exerting too much energy. 

Tip #3: Don’t Just Rely on Exercise

Exercise is only one aspect of your fitness journey. You need to pair this with the proper diet to reach your goals. With the perfect balance of nutrition and healthy exercise, you will be able to keep both your body and mind fit for years to come.

Keep track of your portions and the nutritional value of your food. You don’t want to over- or under-eat. You don’t need an extreme diet, just a balanced one. You still want to enjoy eating after rigorous training.

Tip #4: Celebrate the Small Milestones

No matter how small, celebrate every milestone you achieve. These milestones remind you that you are progressing, no matter how slowly. It will give you the motivation you need to keep going.

As much as possible, try not to nitpick how you look or how much you weigh. If you don’t see any visible changes, that doesn’t mean you’re not progressing. When you focus on the little things, you’ll soon notice the big changes that accumulate over time.

Tip #5: Be Consistent With Technique

Regardless of your routine, make sure to keep your form consistent. Follow all exercise positions down to a fraction of an inch to maximize their health benefits. 

It may be tough to keep it consistent on your first few tries, but after some time, you should be able to master all the important muscle movements. With good form, your muscles will get the intended amount of intensity for the exercise. 


The key to a consistent exercise routine is self-discipline and pacing. You should also learn not to compare your progress to anyone and don’t give up when you don’t immediately see the results you want.

On your fitness journey, it helps to have someone to keep you accountable. With Award Winning Fitness, we can connect you with a personal trainer to help you stay fit. Contact us now and get a complete strongman workout to take your body to the next level.


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