How to Improve Your Grip Strength and Why Even Do It

How to Improve Your Grip Strength and Why Even Do It

Building grip strength is important not only for sports but for handling daily tasks as well. It is a handy skill to have and even more so valuable in the field of weightlifting. Your grip strength can determine how well you can grab and grip the bar while doing strength training movement.

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5 Ways to Recover After an Intense Powerlifting Session

5 Ways to Recover After an Intense Powerlifting Session

Lifting weights significantly increases your risk of injury, which will force you to take time off from training. That’s why you need to work on recovering in the days leading up to and following your powerlifting workouts. So, how does one recover from hard training? Here are some tips you can use to help you recover from an exhausting training session…

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Some Signature Exercises from Prominent Bodybuilding Pros

Some Signature Exercises from Prominent Bodybuilding Pros

Everyone has their own fitness idols, personalities who inspire us to push harder during our workouts. For the most part, coming close to their achievements is our main goal; that is why we have all the time in the world to try and achieve the same milestones that they were able to acquire during their prime days.

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Powerlifting Technique Tweaks to Improve Strength Minus the Strain

Powerlifting Technique Tweaks to Improve Strength Minus the Strain

If you intend to become stronger as you work out, you’ll have to get used to the idea that you’ll have to move some heavyweights. As you can probably guess, powerlifting is one of the best ways to achieve your goal. However, without the proper powerlifting techniques, problems could arise.

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The Importance of Cardiovascular Fitness for Your Overall Health

The Importance of Cardiovascular Fitness for Your Overall Health

How’s your cardiovascular fitness? Considering that heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death in the United States, it’s a pretty important question to ask, isn’t it? Cardiovascular fitness is one’s capability to handle aerobically tricky situations in different lengths of time. In this post, Award Winning Fitness dives deeper into why your cardiovascular fitness needs to improve. We’ll also share some tips on how you can train for improved cardiovascular fitness:

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Forging Your Best Form: A Woman’s Guide to Bodybuilding

Forging Your Best Form: A Woman’s Guide to Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is all about enhancing the health and fitness of a person while being in good shape and form. This may involve dieting and meal planning, macro tracking, working out extensively, spending hours in the weight room, and getting glammed up for the show. All of these are a lot to handle, but it’s worth pursuing if you find yourself driven and passionate about female fitness competition preparation.

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Everything You Need to Know About High Intensity Training

Everything You Need to Know About High Intensity Training

Whether you’re preparing to enter a fitness competition or just want to gain some muscle for your benefit, you need to exercise smart. There’s a science behind workout plans—they consider various aspects such as your age, cardiovascular health, exercise background, fitness assessment, and more to develop a plan that works for you.

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3 Tips to Prepare for Your First Powerlifting Competition

3 Tips to Prepare for Your First Powerlifting Competition

People exercise for different reasons. Some want to enjoy a better-looking body, while others do so to improve their health. Regardless, there's always a reason behind someone's efforts to exercise. However, some take it to a whole new level: training for competitions. Whether it be Olympic lifting, powerlifting, and the like, serious gym-goers put the extra effort and time into honing their craft, not only improving their physique and strength but also preparing their skills for such competitions.

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What Characteristics Make a Great Bodybuilding Coach

What Characteristics Make a Great Bodybuilding Coach

Whether you just want to have a healthier body or plan to win a bodybuilding competition, you need to work with a bodybuilding coach. Sure, you can develop a training program by yourself and work out alone, but you can only do so much on your own!

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5 Mindful Tips to Make Your Exercise Routine Easier

5 Mindful Tips to Make Your Exercise Routine Easier

The road to your fitness goals may not be an easy one. When your mind is too focused on losing that extra pound or bulking up to that extra centimeter, it can be easy to forget to pace yourself. It’s important to focus on your goals, but you must make sure you take care of yourself along the way.

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6 Unique Benefits Only a Personal Trainer Can Provide

6 Unique Benefits Only a Personal Trainer Can Provide

As they say, it takes a village to get in shape. There's more than enough sweating, huffing, and puffing to go around, plus more. Along the process, you must also stay motivated and avoid injury. How do they do it?

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Strongman Workouts: How to Improve Them to Get Stronger

Strongman Workouts: How to Improve Them to Get Stronger

If you have just started hitting the gym, one of your long-term goals may work on your strength training. However, increasing your strength is much more than just lifting heavy weights at the gym. Strongman training can help you become real-life strong instead of just gym strong.

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5 Ways to Bulk up Easily before a Fitness Competition

5 Ways to Bulk up Easily before a Fitness Competition

Gaining mass requires a caloric surplus, higher protein intake, adequate training, and recovery periods. However, adjusting the diet while training is only a part of lean bulking. Although eating more food is a dream for most of us, gaining lean muscle without any additional body fat accumulation is challenging. But there are quick and easy ways to bulk up before fitness season comes.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Preparing for a Bikini Contest

A Beginner’s Guide to Preparing for a Bikini Contest

Women interested in training for a bikini fitness competition should remember that the preparation can be pretty challenging, especially if it’s your first time. It’s not enough if you think you have the appropriate weight, physique, and strength to join the competition because you will still undergo months of rigorous training to ensure you come out victorious.

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