How to Improve Your Grip Strength and Why Even Do It

How to Improve Your Grip Strength and Why Even Do It

Building grip strength is important not only for sports but for handling daily tasks as well. It is a handy skill to have and even more so valuable in the field of weightlifting. Your grip strength can determine how well you can grab and grip the bar while doing strength training movement.

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5 Ways to Recover After an Intense Powerlifting Session

5 Ways to Recover After an Intense Powerlifting Session

Lifting weights significantly increases your risk of injury, which will force you to take time off from training. That’s why you need to work on recovering in the days leading up to and following your powerlifting workouts. So, how does one recover from hard training? Here are some tips you can use to help you recover from an exhausting training session…

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Powerlifting Technique Tweaks to Improve Strength Minus the Strain

Powerlifting Technique Tweaks to Improve Strength Minus the Strain

If you intend to become stronger as you work out, you’ll have to get used to the idea that you’ll have to move some heavyweights. As you can probably guess, powerlifting is one of the best ways to achieve your goal. However, without the proper powerlifting techniques, problems could arise.

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3 Tips to Prepare for Your First Powerlifting Competition

3 Tips to Prepare for Your First Powerlifting Competition

People exercise for different reasons. Some want to enjoy a better-looking body, while others do so to improve their health. Regardless, there's always a reason behind someone's efforts to exercise. However, some take it to a whole new level: training for competitions. Whether it be Olympic lifting, powerlifting, and the like, serious gym-goers put the extra effort and time into honing their craft, not only improving their physique and strength but also preparing their skills for such competitions.

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