5 Ways to Recover After an Intense Powerlifting Session

When you lift weights, your body needs time to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. This is because building muscle tissue requires a high amount of effort and strain on your body. That’s why you need to focus on recovery after your powerlifting workouts. Doing so increases your ability to use training rest days, intensifies strength gains, and helps prevent burnout and injury.

Lifting weights significantly increases your risk of injury, which will force you to take time off from training. That’s why you need to work on recovering in the days leading up to and following your powerlifting workouts. So, how does one recover from hard training? Here are some tips you can use to help you recover from an exhausting training session:

1. Eat a Good Meal

Many lifters train on an empty stomach to lose weight, but this is a bad idea. Why? Because it is impossible to train as hard as you should on an empty stomach. First, you’ll be hungry during your workout because you didn’t eat before your training session. Second, you’ll lack energy during your training session because you need food to fuel your workouts. Third, you’ll have a hard time eating a good meal after your workout with a full stomach. This is because you’ll be nauseous after a hard training session.

2. Ice Your Muscles

If you’ve had hard training sessions, you’ll have sore muscles. You can ice these muscles to reduce their soreness. The best time to do this is directly after your workout and should be done in the bathtub. If you don’t have a bathtub, then you can ice your muscles while you’re in bed. Taking a painkiller after your workout also helps. Painkillers are effective because they take away pain while you’re working out and while you sleep. You should also take a painkiller if you feel sick or injured yourself.

3. Massage and Stretch

Massage and stretching help your body recover faster and feel better. This is due to the fact that massage stimulates the flow of blood and oxygen to your muscles, while stretching helps you recover faster and reduces muscle pain. You can easily do this with a foam roller or a lacrosse ball.

4. Use Compression Wraps

Compression wraps are useful for reducing muscle fatigue and soreness. They also speed up recovery. This is because they improve the flow of oxygen and nutrients from your soft tissues to your muscles. You can use them to recover from a tough workout session. They’re great for any kind of exercise, not just weightlifting. In fact, compression wraps are effective for recovery from a lot of wear and tear, such as running, cycling, and swimming, among others.

5. Rest

Taking a good long rest after your weightlifting workouts is also advisable. The easiest way to rest is to do nothing. If you want to burn calories, then you can go for a short walk or jog. Unloading or semi-unloading your workouts by doing nothing is good because it allows you to rest. Resting helps maintain your physical condition and prevent injuries.


Powerlifting is an activity that will keep you fit and healthy. It promotes good health and helps you get the body that you want. However, powerlifting can also become unhealthy if you do not take the time to recover. Remember to always train hard, but training smart is also part of the process. By following the tips, you’ll be able to use your rest days productively and maximize your training results. 

Award Winning Fitness is an online and in-person premium fitness training provider. As the number one fitness training community out there, we offer world-class fitness and bodybuilding training for people who want to achieve their goals. Take action and start transforming your body into its best form by choosing Award Winning Fitness. If you want to learn more powerlifting techniques and tips, Contact our fitness experts today.


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